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What does your favourite music artist say about you?

This is going to be somewhat satire but as the old saying goes there is some truth in jokes. 

The Weeknd 

You’re hot.

The Weeknd is known for being one of the greatest male vocalists of our generation. His haunting music will make you feel like you're in a dingy nightclub or a fancy house party in the city. I feel like the Weeknd's fan base isn’t as intense as some (we will get onto those). If you’re a fan of The Weeknd you probably try to be mysterious, sticking to darker colours and might have toxic relationship tendencies. 

If you are on the other end of the spectrum you probably love to experiment with drugs to reach a ‘higher mental plane’ or whatever pretentious reason people use to get high. You also probably have a lot of sex appeal as you know the Weeknd’s songs aren’t exactly Pg thirteen. What I find funny about the Weeknd’s music is that although they are quite sexual I have to point out that the Weeknds persona ends with his vocals and lyricism. 

In person (from going to one of his concerts and videos I have seen) he is soft-spoken, a bit awkward and lacks the sex appeal that his songs evoke. In his concerts during the 2021-2022 period, he enjoyed thrusting his hips, gyrating and flicking his naked tongue about on stage none of this was appealing to me and many others and to get full imagery of what I am speaking about you can indulge in the visual imagery here although proceed with caution. 

One of the Weeknd’s most recent controversies was in the summer of 2023 when he acted and produced in the disaster of the show ‘The Idol’.

A true fan of The Weeknd would not be surprised that he is behind a show like this (alongside Sam Levinson I must add) if you listen to his lyrics they don’t exactly scream ‘Feminist' or healthy relationships with women.

The Weeknd is not an actor.

Even when getting the train home from his concert a group of girls said “He is just a strange little man” and well I have to agree even though I do love his music <3. 

Often in The Weeknds songs he likes to complain about his love life, women using him for drugs and fame and him using women for drugs and whatever internal hole he is trying to fill. However, maybe this wouldn’t be so much of a problem if he didn’t go after models who don’t want him or drug addicts! Joking ha ha… 

( not really) 

Another thing that The Weeknd has been called out for is his lack of diversity in dating, however, I don’t want this to be about people's preferences in dating.

All I’ll say is I wouldn’t want to be The Weeknds type anyway. In conclusion, I love his music and will always be an avid listener but it is so easy to roast him.

Lana Del ray 

If you’re a Lana Del Ray fan you fall into three main categories. You make terrible choices in men and have a poetic flare, you hang out in the smoking area and pride yourself on your knowledge of indie films and underground music while you cough your lungs away or you regard yourself as a whimsical lover girl or boy born in the wrong generation. Now I’ll preface this by stating that I am a fan of Lana Del Ray, she has a lot of great songs but I am not particularly a fan of her persona.

It took me a while to get into her music, “I should like this but I don’t” was the thought that would run through my mind. It was hard for me to get into her whispery voice and deliberate mispronunciation of words that screamed “I’m trying to be different - and trust me I am aware of someone different vs someone who is performing. Her voice gave me the same vibe as someone forcing themselves to write a whole essay in unreadable swirly handwriting.

When trying to get into her music I would look up her Instagram page to feel her vibe. And it was giving “country bumpkin, born in the wrong generation X coquette core X early 2010 Tumblr aesthetic”. She would repost clips from Old Hollywood movies often and I’m sorry but there was something about it all that made me cringe. 

I felt the same way about her post “Question for the culture” 

Of course it had to be written in courier (type writing font) because she's just not like other gals

It was very off-putting to me that she felt the need to name-drop other artists, mainly targeting black women. I sort of understood where she was coming from but the execution failed miserably. 

An artist’s fan base usually is a reflection not of who the artist is but of the persona that they wear. And I feel like Lana Del Ray fans can also possess the same level of pretentiousness. Lana Del Ray Stans will overuse the phrase.

“So Lana Del Ray coded, ThIS is so Lana Del Rey”

Over literally anything. 

 Getting in the back of a car with mediocre men and smoking cigarettes doesn’t make you Lana Del Ray but maybe her disciple? I feel like Lana Del Ray is the kind of artist that people make their whole personality. 

Lana stans who I have come across are often the type to boast about how they are ‘Nitty’s’ or have that aesthetic while spending their allowance on trying to look Grundy or ‘poor’ only then return to their parent’s mansion by nightfall. Self-proclaimed sad girls whose main struggle in life is being mediocre.

Comment from an online forum

She had a very niche fanbase back then, mainly the lolita-ch*ke-me-daddy Tumblr girlies. Over the years she's become bigger and bigger. Gen-Z loves her a lot. I personally love her music but her fanbase is very insufferable.


There is no doubt that Beyonce is a powerhouse of an artist. Anyone saying she is overrated is out of their mind. She is a great performer and talented singer, she is a household name and she is one of the artists who I have to see at least once in my lifetime! If you’re a fan of Beyoncé, you probably have cultish tendencies as Beehive is incredibly loyal and has a habit of idolising Beyonce a lot. 

Don’t get me wrong she deserves the hype but I find it strange when people praise an artist like they’re a God or something. At the end of the day she is human.

I just think Beehive has the flare for the dramatic, Beyoncé could flick her hair backwards and a whole stadium would scream.

Beyoncé isn’t pretentious as she keeps a lot of her life private which is to be expected for a star as big as her.

Beyoncé's fan base is very diverse, coming from all walks of life and backgrounds. 

Twenty one Pilots 

If your favorite artist is Twenty One Pilots you probably went through an avid faze of their music from 2015 to 2019. You were probably very loud and proud about your love for Twenty-one Pilots and your miraculous rapping capabilities to their songs. Don’t get me wrong Tyler and Josh have some good songs. My favourite song from them is “Tear in My Heart”. If twenty-one pilots are still your favourite artist you’ve either revisited your phase or you’ve never left. Although super fans of Twenty One Pilots were annoying during their peak they weren't the worst to ever exist. 

Taylor Swift (Swifties)

Here’s me putting it lightly, you're basic. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest artists at the moment and has been for a long while however, swifties in my opinion are a very off-putting fanbase. One thing that I dislike about Swifties is that they undermine the success of other artists. For example, swifties are very bitter at the fact The Weeknd is one of the most listened-to artists. 

Accusing his streams of being fake, saying things such as “I’ve never met a Weeknd fan in real life” probably because we aren’t Keyboard Warrior fanatics. Taylor Swift is very much the epitome of a “white feminist” and being a white feminist isn’t being white and a feminist. 

We have seen this displayed multiple times, her lack of advocacy for Palestine, the private Jet gate and multiple other incidents including her persona. 

So what does being a swiftie say about you? Well, I won’t make any comments on people’s political standpoint but whenever I meet a boy-crazy person and they say that they love Taylor Swift it’s like someone putting a cherry on top of a cake. 

“Ah that makes sense” 

Whenever the song “You Belong with Me” plays, a bunch of not-so-nice popular girls sprout out of nowhere singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs. I always look for the exit. On the plus side if you're a fan of Taylor Swift then you probably are a romantic at heart, wearing your heart proudly on your sleeve. You also probably have an interesting love life and that's more than some can say.

Taylor has many nostalgic songs that I like. I love the song Cardigan she just isn’t a go-to artist for me. 

The 1975 

Similar to Lana del Ray fans, just less poetic and more cigarettes. 


The Taylor Swift of rappers, if your favourite artist is Drake then you probably listen to house music outside of a rave/club. But I won’t go too hard on Drake fans seeing as Drake has already been dragged through the mud enough. 

Kendrick Lamar 

You have good taste. Kendrick is not only a great rapper but a great lyricist as well.

You’ve either always been an avid fan or hopped on the bandwagon after the Kendrick Vs Drake beef.

Chappell Roan

You’re cool.

Chappell Roan is such a colourful, vibrant artist. If your favourite artist is Chappell Roan then you are probably quite proud of who you are or are on the way to embracing the loud proud version of YOU. 

Also, you might not be straight.

Anyways, that brings to a close the newest upload. It’s been a while but I'm now on summer break. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE.  that's what hot people do!

Comments : Created by Charis.Clarissa All rights reserved 2024

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